P-05-985 Provide key-worker childcare equivalent to what was available prior to the Covid-19 pandemic


This petition was submitted by Adam Calcutt having collected a total of 719 signatures.


Text of Petition:                      

Minister for Education, Kirsty Williams, has announced the planned re-opening of schools on 29th June. From Monday 22nd June, the opening hours of school hubs providing childcare for children of key-workers will be reduced, in some areas, from 0800 - 1800 to 0830 - 1600. This will penalise key-workers who are unable to access the levels of childcare available prior the Covid-19 pandemic; key-workers will be unable to fulfil their normal working hours resulting in a detrimental effect on essential services.


Additional Information:

Having provided children of key-workers with childcare between the hours of 8.00am and 6.00pm failure of the Senedd Cymru Welsh Parliament to provide further arrangements for childcare within these hours, or at least equivalent to the hours of care available at individual schools immediately prior to the Covid-19 outbreak, penalises hard working key-workers. Without the immense effort, dedication and sacrifice of these key-workers to maintain essential services throughout the pandemic the effects on the general public and proud nation of Wales would have led to an even greater death toll, appalling hardships and deprivation - the likes of which would and still could entail serious ramifications for our future generations. Access to the level of child care previously available - including, but not limited to breakfast and after-school clubs at the levels of cost paid by the parents pre-Covid-19 - should be the bare minimum.


Senedd Constituency and Region

·         Monmouth

·         South Wales East